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How to choose the best hiking boots?

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Pridružio se: Feb 21, 2020
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PošaljiPoslato: Sre Avg 26, 2020 3:55 am    Naslov: How to choose the best hiking boots? Odgovori sa citatom

Hiking is becoming a more favorable and trendy outdoor sport nowadays. Exploring mountainous areas regularly requires you to have a good quality of hiking boots for stepping confidently on the hard surfaces. The following will give an insight into three different types of hiking boots – the day hiking, the backpacking, and hiking shoes. By far this article will provide some tips on how to choose the best hiking boots of all time.

Hiking boots – What are they?

Hiking boots are the footwear designed especially for hikers to make them feel comfortable during the long walking journey. Since slippers, casual shoes, heels, and sandals cannot be used for hiking, thus hiking boots are chosen and become more popular. They can be made of different types of materials such as suede, leathers, fabric, or the mix of both of them, so you might get confused when it comes to think about which one is right for you.

Types of hiking boots on the market

1. The day hiking boots

Day hiking boots, as the name suggests, is ideal to use in the daytime. They might come in different styles, some are high-cut, while others are with lower-cut cuffs. They are best uses for long hiking journeys, and especially ideal for those who need ankle support to protect feet.


  • Good hiking boots that can be used for many different purposes.
  • Waterproof – Not all, but most of the day hiking boots are waterproof so you do not need to worry if there will be an unexpected heavy rainfall during your adventurous journey.
  • Provide greater stability when wearing it for hiking. If you are bringing a heavy pack with you, it will offer adequate support in terms of its stable platform and protects you from possibly slippery logs during the journey.
  • Some of the day hiking boots items are “well-known” on the market due to its durability.
  • The cost is affordable. One costs around $ 100 to $200.
  • Usually have thick rubber soles, this protects hikers from sharp objects or rocks along the way.


  • Heavier than the other types like hiking shoes – this is a “minus point” as most of them weigh approximately 3.5 pounds (equivalent to 1.59 kgs). Thus, there will be some certain limitations in terms of mobility.
  • Provide lack support, sometimes you might need to take a short break to be comfortable.
  • Less breathable than other types of hiking boots.
  • Not ideal to wear while stepping on wet gravel and puddles. It might take a longer time to be drier.
2. Backpacking boots

Most of the backpacking boots are high-cut in the style. Like the other types, they are designed to be able to cover, protect, and support your feet and ankle. You can own one if you are planning for a long-distance trip while minimizing the risks of getting injured.


  • They provide excellent support for ankles and feet.
  • More appropriate if carrying larger loads.
  • Not so heavy.
  • Durable for use.
  • Prevent blisters.
  • More likely to be listed in the “Best rated hiking boots”, according to some users’ reviews.

  • Tends to be heavier than other types of hiking shoes and boots.
  • Provide less traction so that it is harder to conform to the ground. You might not “feel” the ground.
  • Added weight to movement steps.
3. The hiking shoes

Compared to the other types of hiking boots, this seems to be the least favorable type of footwear. Hiking shoes are rated as “better” when in comparison with usual sport shoes, however, for the long and professional hiking walk, this is not usually recommended to wear.


  • Comfortable
  • Lighter in weight
  • Work best for shorter hikes
  • Not ideal when carrying large loads
  • Quick-drying compared to day hiking boots and backpacking boots.
  • Easy to pack

  • Provide little or even no ankle support.
  • Less durable in use.
  • Less protective on surfaces which are rough and slippery.
Best hiking boots for men

If you are interested in hiking and go for this activity regularly (more than one time a week), you should consider “Adidas Men’s Terrex Free Hiker Parley”. This footwear weighs just 400g and provides stability for a long walking trip.

Other than the above, you can choose to buy “Keen Innate Leather WP”, which is made from premium hard-wearing leather and waterproof in feature so that you can feel free to cross rivers while keeping your feet dry.

Best hiking boots for women

If you would prefer a waterproof and comfort pair, “Salomon Quest 4D 3 GTX” suits best. It costs you approximately $230 to own one. This product provides special techniques to prevent foot fatigue and provide enough support for backpacking. It is well-rated in terms of stability and protection.

If you are looking for a waterproof pair made of full-grain leather and synthetic, you can find a “Hoka One One Sky Kaha”. This option is less affordable compared to the Salomon Quest 4D 3 GTX.

Before you buy:

Make sure to choose the one that best fits your feet. Otherwise, your hiking trip will be a “nightmare” due to the foot pain. To choose the right size, you can go to the store for the most accurate measurement. Sometimes sizes can be varied, so it is always best to wear and have a short walk in the shoe store before making a final decision.

If you are finding the best waterproof hiking boots, you can look no further than ones presented in The North Face shopping store.

Consider what types of materials you would prefer. As there are many options on the market, some can be made of leather, synthetics, or waterproof membranes.

For example, if you would love a thick material, you can think about synthetics hiking boots.

You can opt for hiking shoes only if you are planning for a shorter hiking route.
Best lightweight hiking boots on the market are more likely to be chosen by those who are going for the hiking trip quite often (more than two or three times a fortnight). If you aim at a lightweight one, let’s consider The North Face Ultra Fastpack ID Mid Futurelight item as an option. This item weighs just around 1 pound (the equivalent of 0.4 kg in weight).

You can refer to hiking boot reviews on reliable sources of information.

Even if you are owning one of the top rated hiking boots in the house Thekinglive, keep in mind that it can be useless if it does not meet your actual hiking needs.

Final words

The best hiking boots bring you a sense of comfort, mobility, and ease of movement. Depending on what you want or need, how far, and how often you would go for a hiking walk, then I believe that you can easily find the best one in the hiking shoe store.

If you find this article useful, feel free to like and share it with your friends and family members. Don’t forget to invite them to your next adventurous hiking trip. Have fun!


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Poslednji izmenio poseidon97 dana Čet Dec 16, 2021 9:45 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta
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Pridružio se: Feb 21, 2020
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PošaljiPoslato: Pon Apr 12, 2021 6:49 pm    Naslov: Re: How to choose the best hiking boots? Odgovori sa citatom

Er du i stand til å finne en god medisin som kan hjelpe deg å løse alle problemer med infeksjoner? I så fall, jeg tror du bør definitivt gå her ved lenke . Du vil definitivt bli fornøyd
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