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REPORT: Eric Berry has a Haglund’s deformity on his heel

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Pridružio se: Sep 21, 2018
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PošaljiPoslato: Sre Okt 24, 2018 5:51 am    Naslov: REPORT: Eric Berry has a Haglund’s deformity on his heel Odgovori sa citatom

Eric Berry has not practiced or played for the Kansas City Chiefs since August 11 in St. Joseph Authentic Steven Nelson Jersey , Missouri, because of what the team has described as a “sore heel.” The last we heard from the Chiefs athletic training staff was in early September, when head athletic trainer Rick Burkholder described the injury as “literally day to day.”More information on Berry’s injury emerged Saturday morning, via NFL Network’s Mike Garafolo:This provides a little more clarity than Berry’s injury simply being a “sore heel,” which is good, but what’s bad is there still seems to be no timetable. Remember, Berry missed nearly the entirety of the 2017 season due to a ruptured Achilles on the other leg.Chiefs head coach Andy Reid was mum on the injury when asked about it Saturday afternoon after the Chiefs’ final practice of the week.Berry is officially ruled doubtful heading into the Monday night game against the Denver Broncos.Here are the notes from our in-house medical expert, Aaron Borgmann:A lot of talk today regarding something known as a Haglund’s deformity. It was reported by a media source that the player in question suffers from this condition. This discussion is not to confirm or deny that possibility, as I can only explain the available information that we have been given. To be clear, the team has not confirmed this diagnosis and I have no advance knowledge of the player’s current condition.The simple explanation here that it is indeed a bone spur on the backside of someone’s heel. This is frequently known as a “pump bump” from the occurrence that it is often seen in women’s fashion from the shoes that they wear. However, incidence in football players is also common, sometimes referred to as “retrocalcaneal bursitis” as well. The bone spur irritates the bursa (fluid-filled sac) that sits between the bone and the tendon or even the tendon itself directly. This can cause a great deal of inflammation and discomfort with any sort of dynamic ankle/foot movement, worse with pressure on the spot itself.Having one in and of itself it not uncommon, but the degree to which it bothers someone is the issue. Depending upon demands of movement, these can range from debilitating to just a nuisance. Obviously, in football players, the degree of inflammation is what dictates the level of function.These are diagnosed both visually and radiographically and it is a situation where if you see it and player complains of certain symptoms (pain with movement in that exact spot, swelling, redness) then you can be pretty sure that is what it is.Treatment focuses on reduction of inflammation obviously directly over the spot. This can be done both topically and through systemic medication. Soft tissue lengthening in both the calf and bottom of the foot is also done to alleviate the issue from both sides – this is due to the fact that both the calf and plantar fascia connect to the calcaneus (heel bone) on either side.Not to be forgotten is footwear modification and adjustment. Very rigid shoes can cause this irritation, and in some athletes, I would even cut the shoe in the heel to allow room for the bump. Other options include specialized padding and friction reduction methods. Heel lifts have been shown to be helpful in some.For this condition, non-surgical intervention is preferred to reduce the inflammation as opposed to surgical due to the immobilization period.If the inflammation can be reduced and the function level high, many players learned to adapt their daily routines to accommodate. They may have to put in a bit more time in order to get ready due to the condition’s demands but can nonetheless get by and still perform at a high level.The Dixon Five: Chiefs beat 49ers 38-27 1. Dinking and dunkingJake Roth-USA TODAY SportsOn the opening drive of Sunday’s game, Patrick Mahomes resembled Alex Smith more than himself.Last week, I suggested that the Chiefs might want to consider running the ball a bit more or try to keep Mahomes from swinging for the fences quite so often.This idea was treated with derision by a number of commenters — and I understand their point of view.But here we are a week later, and Andy Reid’s famous scripted plays to begin the game didn’t include deep shots from his new quarterback.The opening touchdown drive wasn’t the longest touchdown drive the Chiefs have run after a kickoff since the season began, but it was close — consuming 4:55 on 11 plays.I’m not suggesting that the Chiefs should revert to this style of play.But they must be able to do it.They aren’t always going to have the luxury of being ahead by multiple scores.Sometimes, they’re going to have to eat clock with a less-commanding lead — or face a defense that will be specifically designed to shut down the Chiefs deep passing game — and the Chiefs must be able to dink and dunk.And score a touchdown anyway.On Sunday, Reid satisfied himself that his offense can successfully operate that way.Perhaps more importantly Authentic Patrick Mahomes II Jersey , he demonstrated to the league’s defensive coordinators that just taking the top off the Chiefs offense isn’t going to work.2. Justin Houston: valuable contributor, or overpaid has-been?Jay Biggerstaff-USA TODAY SportsI’m starting to see this narrative more and more: that Houston isn’t worth what he’s being paid.He’s no longer interested in being a great player.He’s gotten his payday, and he’s coasting.I will make no attempt to characterize Houston’s state of mind because I don’t have any idea what he’s thinking. And neither do you.There are people who probably know more than we do, but they aren’t talking — and furthermore, they’re not going to start.But I will say this: in two consecutive games, Houston has made game-changing plays that were nullified by penalties called against the Chiefs secondary.How much of the narrative about the Chiefs defense — and Houston himself — would be different if those plays had counted?Say what you will about Houston.When the game was on the line on Sunday, he made a play.In the fourth quarter, on second-and goal from the 12, Houston changed it to third-and goal-from the 20. It was a play that changed the potential outcome of the game.That’s what he gets paid to do.3. And about that third-and-20...At least for that next play — when Jimmy Garoppolo tried to turn a scramble into a touchdown run, Steven Nelson stood up and made a play, too.By... standing.As the TV commentators correctly pointed out, Nelson made a solid, legal hit on a quarterback who was trying to stretch the play — not one who was surrendering himself.It’s now being reported that the 49ers fear their high-priced franchise quarterback may be lost for the season with an ACL injury.So it’s possible that Garoppolo will have some extra time to consider whether his decision was wise.In the meantime... well done, Mr. Nelson.4. A non-offensive lineDenny Medley-USA TODAY SportsGoing into the game, I pointed out that so far, the Chiefs offensive line — even with Cam Erving at left guard — has provided decent protection for Patrick Mahomes.That continued on Sunday.That’s the first box we all want to see checked on the offensive line’s to-do list.We would, of course, also like to see the ground game for the Chiefs improve.It’s not acceptable for Kareem Hunt to get 44 yards on 18 carries — especially on a day where two rushers on the opposing team combined for well more than twice that much.I understand that Hunt had nothing to do with how many yards the 49ers gained.But the Chiefs aren’t going to be able to consistently win games with such a lopsided ratio of rushing yards.Much of that responsibility falls on the offensive line — and they need to do better.But let’s give them credit: when it really mattered — just like with Houston and Nelson — the offensive line did its job.Hunt was unobstructed on both of his touchdown runs, and the blocking on Hunt’s 10-yard run to seal the victory was a thing of beauty.Men of the offensive trenches: keep watching film of those plays.That’s the way to do it.5. No defense for the defenseJay Biggerstaff-USA TODAY SportsOther than their ability of stand up when there’s a lot on the line — where previously noted — there’s not much good to say about the Chiefs defense.Once again, we saw the unit give up a lot of yards by exhibiting poor tackling and blowing coverages.But it’s worth noting that the Chiefs defense seems to be able to do a decent job — which is all that is really required of them for the team to be successful, given the explosive offense Reid has assembled.They just can’t do it for a whole game. They put in a solid quarter against the Chargers, three solid quarters against the Steelers, and two solid quarters against the 49ers.If they could just play with more consistency, there might not be a lot to worry about.But we haven’t seen that yet — and the clock is ticking.The Broncos will be a difficult opponent, but the Jaguars are now looming large on the schedule, too.Whatever it is, they need to figure out, and they’d better do it soon.

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