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Vanja023: Mala pomoc...pri secenju torte da li je problem u nozu,posto mi puca kora kako krenem da secem?ili je to do staklene posude?
03-Aug-2015 08:03:06
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29-Aug-2013 19:10:50
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PošaljiPoslato: Sub Jan 26, 2019 3:07 am    Naslov: / Odgovori sa citatom

Packers fans hate to remember the last time Aaron Rodgers and the Packers were such longshots heading into a game. With their MVP quarterback hobbling on one leg , the Packers went to Seattle with a shot at the Super Bowl on the line. Facing the Legion of Boom in the toughest place in the NFL to play at the time, Las Vegas installed the Seahawks as 8-point favorites. Rodgers didn’t play particularly well in that game, but the Packers shot out to an early lead and it took all-time Murphy’s Law breaks for Green Bay to lose in overtime at the hands (or lack thereof) of Brandon Bostick. No the Packers didn’t win, but they should have. And they covered. The next year, Rodgers lost his top weapon to an ACL injury in the preseason and the offense sputtered with the loss of Jordy Nelson as Eddie Lacy ate himself out of the league and Davante Adams struggled with injury. Even so, Green Bay managed to make the playoffs, beat Washington on the road to head to Arizona where the Cardinals were waiting. Arizona already beat the daylights out of the Packers in the regular season, so the oddsmakers make them 7-point favorites. Randall Cobb left the game in the first quarter, but the Packers defense held the high-flying Cardinals offense in check most of the game to give Rodgers one last chance to tie the game. A Herculean effort from Rodgers, replete with a ridiculous fourth-and-long conversion to Jeff Janis and possibly the least famous of his Hail Marys forced overtime. The Packers lost that game without Rodgers ever being able to touch the ball, the second straight season to end that way. But they covered. Back in 2010 was the last time during the regular season the Packers were anywhere near the 9.5-point underdog status they’ll carry into the LA Coliseum. That season, Mike McCarthy’s crew traveled to New York to play Rex Ryan (and Mike Pettine) and the suffocating Jets defense. Darrelle Revis Womens Kentrell Brice Jersey , Rex Ryan, and maybe the best defense of the modern era. Vegas set the line at Jets -6. Not only did the Packers cover, they won outright, blanking the Jets 9-0 in a performance that helped spark Green Bay to a Super Bowl run. In the three biggest spreads of Rodgers career, his team not only covered all three, but was in a position to win all three, finishing the job once. The Packers aren’t in the business of covering; they’re in the winning business, but this was always going to be a tough matchup. When the schedules came out, this was a likely loss for Green Bay. Getting unexpected performances in Washington and Detroit closed down the margin for error on this season, but a loss against the best team in football won’t end anyone’s season. Cynics might point toward the end of the 2016 season, when the Packers were 5.5-point underdogs on the road in Atlanta, where the Falcons ambushed Green Bay and cruised to an easy win. But that Packers team ended up having to play Letroy Guion at OT they were so banged up. Jordy Nelson played with broken ribs. They had no running game. Joe Thomas , LaDarius Gunter and Quinten Rollins had to make starts on defense. This version of the Packers is significantly more talented. With the 2018 iteration of the Packers getting the healthiest they’ve been all season, they should be able to give the Rams a much better fight, especially with the upgrades in the secondary that have been made since that 2016 debacle. The offense may have broken out against the 49ers, and a healthy, athletic secondary should provide ample resistance to the Rams. The idea this Green Bay team will get blown out is ... well, overblown. Pyrrhic victories don’t save coaching jobs or look any better in the standings. Keeping it close and losing is still a loss. That’s not the point either. Despite the enormous spread and the impressive performance from the Rams, the Packers with Aaron Rodgers have faced down the barrel of all-time great units on the road before. They’ve won games just like this, and put themselves in position to win others. Anyone believing the Packers have no chance on Sunday better study their history. Every NFL team has a pro shop. Every pro shop has ridiculous items that make literally no sense. These are their stories. One of my favorite things about teams that relocate frequently is that they don’t always manage to clear out everything. If you happen to live in St. Louis, the awful, awful pizza and sub-standard baseball team have left you pining for the days of the Rams, and you happen to have a dog, you’re in luck!Make sure fluffy stays warm in the cold Missouri winter while your heart remains cold over football teams constantly abandoning you and your arch-loving Womens Antonio Morrison Jersey , Provel-consuming, right-way-game-playing brethren. The Rams’ pro shop is really something. There are plenty of products that all of the various teams share in common, and all of them have uniform variations designed to support our troops. Take this children’s Todd Gurley camo jersey, appropriate for your local pickup game or desert combat. The only problem is that when they wear these, no one can see any of the players. Ratings plummet, etc. Anyway, not every pro shop has this dandy, apparently designed to appeal to all the football-loving, hyper-militaristic knitters and professors out there.Yes, this Camo Cardi is the perfect outfit for like, one guy sitting alone at a spinning wheel in a mostly abandoned barn a few miles down from an abandoned Sonoma winery. That’s enough cold weather though. You live in Los Angeles California, and when are you going to bust out a cardigan , really? You need this $150 Tommy Bahama number. Nothing says “I was alive in the 80s and have considered joining a Jimmy Buffet cover band, and also I’m a Rams fan” more than this shirt. But why let your dreams of playing with Donald Rum’s-Felt and the Pina Colliders fade into oblivion, when you can outfit the entire band with these?Let’s say you want to dress like an extra in Back to the Future 2, and have an extra $300 laying around. You couldn’t possibly ask for more than this, which won’t blow dry your pits, but will wick like there’s no tomorrow. Also, if you need a poleOr a chrome poleThey’ve got you covered. Packer Item of the WeekThis item is called a “hands high” sideline sweater. Kudos to this particular model for drawing inspiration from the name. Let’s hope they never make a sweater called “bird flipper” or “wave participant”.
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