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2019 NFL Scouting Report I am going to start out b

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Pridružio se: Jan 16, 2019
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PošaljiPoslato: Sre Apr 10, 2019 3:57 am    Naslov: 2019 NFL Scouting Report I am going to start out b Odgovori sa citatom

y saying that the Miami Dolphins need to get Kenyan Drake going if we want to do anything this season.Really nothing to do with this scouting article Albert Wilson Jersey , but it’s frustrating because getting the running game going will change the outcome of games.I believe the Dolphins have a chance to do something this season, but we NEED to run the ball more.Sorry if I am being short, I am still frustrated from last week’s game.....I really thought we were going to go up the New England and win.Anyways, with that said, let me start this scouting report off with a running back, a particularly tough and physical back out of Kentucky....Bennie Snell Jr. RB, Kentucky (Jr)Snell has become one of my favorites to watch film on.He’s a tough back that runs angry.He can catch the ball, is a good pass catcher, and is surprisingly quick and agile for a big guy.He doesn’t have elite speed but Snell is standing out to me; I wouldn’t be surprised if he declares early. Mark Zerof-USA TODAY SportsJachai Polite, DE, Florida (Jr)Polite is a quick, aggressive pass rusher that plays with a phenomenal motor.I remember noticing him last year.He’s shown improvement from last season and most certainly has NFL talent to be a good pass rusher in the NFL.I am not sure on his ability to stop the run, but Polite will intrigue some teams with his pass rushing ability. Kim Klement-USA TODAY SportsJerry Tillery, DT, Notre Dame (Sr)I won’t lie to you, last year’s film on Tillery did not impress me..... so I was amazed at some of the film I have watched on him this season; particularly this past game against Stanford, Tillery was unreal.He has looked dominant at times and is really setting himself up as one of the top DTs in the country.If Tillery keeps up his play Robert Quinn Jersey , he will be a top draft pick.The interesting thing about that though, is I believe this DT class is pretty talented, so Tillery could be a bargain in this draft.Matt Cashore-USA TODAY SportsCalvin Throckmorton, OT, Oregon (Jr)Throckmorton is an interesting prospect to me.I like him, he’s got talent but he’s just so inconsistent to me.He’s got the ability to be a great pass protector and run blocker but he just doesn’t perform on every play. I don’t like how he looses his balance a lot too; all that said though, he’s got NFL talent and could be a steal in the middle to late rounds as a developmental guy.Photo by Gene Sweeney Jr/Getty ImagesKelvin Harmon, WR, N.C. St. (Jr)Harmon stood out to me a bit last year while scouting Ryan Finley.I still want to get into more film on him, but so far I see a big bodied WR who’s strong, tough to bring down, has good hands, pretty solid speed and is a capable blocker.I don’t have a great hold on Harmon, but I have liked what I have seen so far.He could be a potential target in this draft. Photo by Streeter Lecka/Getty ImagesOther prospects who have stood out:Trace McSorley, QB, Penn St. - I know he’s very undersized and the arm talent isn’t elite but he’s a likable guy who is a competitor and a playmaker.I have no idea right now where he falls into transitioning to the NFL, but I like McSorley.Richie Grant Vincent Taylor Jersey , S, UCF - The RS Sophmore has been a playmaker on defense; showing good ball skills and a nose for the ball.I know he’s young, probably not going in this draft but keep him on your radar - he’s talented. Let’s say these weren’t thinly-veiled, “this could mean anything” tweets. Jordan Phillips has been petty for weeks, thus his attempt at rubbing salt in the wound was expected. I mean, he even dug his heels in trying to troll Miami when he made a colossal error late in the game for his new team!Jarvis Landry had his own bitterness after the Miami Dolphins traded him to the Cleveland Browns after the 2 parties couldn’t reach a middle ground on price tag. After a modicum of success in Cleveland, I thought it possible Landry had moved on.However, we can’t just chalk this up to “scorned lovers”, can we? Isn’t it apropos to consider the ulterior perspective? Where there’s smoke, there’s fire? When you combine some of the current Miami Dolphins players recent comments like Reshad Jones and Ja’Wuan James, you begin to wonder which narrative holds more weight: salty ex-Dolphins or legitimately relieved people escaping (directly or indirectly) Gase’s coaching clutches? Or is the truth, as usual, somewhere in the middle?[Author’s note: @ckparrot has since deleted this tweet.]When you have current players openly questioning schematics, it’s rarely a good thing. This is not to excuse dung-flinging from Landry and Phillips, but it appears there were enough philosophical and existential fissures in the locker room that it was best both parties went their separate ways. What do you make of this? Typical banter or players rightfully pissed?
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