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How to bring Newletters in ideal Situation?
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Pridružio se: Mar 14, 2020
Poruke: 4
Poslato: Čet Jun 04, 2020 2:28 am Naslov: How to bring Newletters in ideal Situation? |
This is what a standard letter from GM looks like:
By the way, this same newsletter service offers to save the created template and use it in the future. This helps save time on adding a logo, font design, and so on.
Minimalism is now in great demand Most likely, the same style is suitable for your email campaign. I propose to create a template according to our example. Additionally, select and complete one of the options offered by the service. Conduct A / B testing and determine which is best for you. Letters should not differ in content. Use the same theme. The main difference is the design.
By the way, GetResponse is one of the services that we always recommend to our customers. Look at the instructions from Alexander Ryabikin and a full description of the system’s functionality:
The time that is allotted to you in order to lure the addressee is rapidly decreasing. 5 years ago, on average, it took no more than 12 seconds to read one letter. Today, the figure barely reaches 9 seconds. This means that you need to find the most optimal amount of content in the letter in order to make the person read it to the end and reveal the essence of the proposal.
Learn to express your thoughts briefly. Write only on business. Writing is not an article where you can include your writing skills. Imagine that you write to your friend about a very important matter. It is unlikely that any complex artistic turns will be used here Describe as briefly as possible:
why and why you write to a person;
what can he get;
what exactly do you offer.
With the help of testing, find the optimal reading time for the letter for your target audience. Send a letter with a detailed description of the proposal for one segment of the audience, and the option with the reduction of information (only in the case) - for the second. Based on the results, determine the optimal time to engage your potential customers.
Content delivery and writing style
If you have developed a corporate style of communication with an audience on a blog, video or social networks for a long time, it’s far from the fact that it is also suitable for emails. Here the audience may be more demanding.
Imagine: you use light feed in writing articles on a personal blog People consciously come here to get content. They are ready to spend as much time as you offer them.
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